How Long Does Uncooked Basmati Rice Last?


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Keeps indefinitely
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Keeps indefinitely
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Blue Arrow
Keeps indefinitely


Shelf Life Tips

  • The precise answer to the question "How long does basmati rice last?" depends to a large extent on storage conditions - when properly stored and kept free from contaminants, uncooked basmati rice has an indefinite shelf life.
  • To maximize the shelf life of basmati rice, store in a cool dry area; after opening the package, place the uncooked basmati rice in a sealed airtight container or place original package in a resealable heavy-duty freezer bag.
  • Can you keep basmati rice in the fridge or freezer? Yes, for added protection against bugs, dust or other contaminants, uncooked basmati rice may also be stored in the fridge or freezer - place basmati rice in a sealed airtight container or place original package in a resealable heavy-duty freezer bag.
  • How long does basmati rice last once cooked? Cooked basmati rice will generally stay good for 4-6 days in the refrigerator and 6 months in the freezer.
  • How to tell if basmati rice is bad? If the basmati rice develops an off odor, flavor or appearance, or if insects or other contaminants appear, it should be discarded.

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Sources: For details about data sources used for food storage information, please click here

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